How Big is Your God?

How big is your God?

Throughout the entire journey of preparing and planning our first annual ladies conference, I was continually struck with the question, "How big is your God?" It seemed my faith was constantly being stretched and my never ending insecurities were being tested. You see, neither Marianne nor myself had any experience in hosing a conference. We had organized events, planned parities, and hosted church functions, but never anything on this large of a scale.  In fact, before we ever decided to move forward with the idea we spent several months just dreaming about the possibility and praying for wisdom, and then praying and dreaming some more. Finally the day came when we knew it was time to move forward. It was simply amazing how God orchestrated every detail for the Conference. From the venue, the speakers, our worship leader, and even the committee He put together, it was evident that God had His hand in every aspect. God's blessings were a continuous confirmation that this was indeed His plan. We stood back humbled and in awe over His goodness. 

Just to share one of the many ways God worked without us even knowing, I was strolling though Instagram one day, when I came across a young man that I had known years ago, back when he was just a kiddo. It was a picture of his wedding day. His bride was absolutely stunning and breathtaking, and oddly failure. I couldn't place her but I felt like I knew her. So, like any normal curious female, I stalked I went over to her IG page and was blown away by the fact that she was indeed someone I was familiar with. But not in a personal way, like in a Hollywood famous way. The beautiful bride was Tiffany Thornton. The Disney star!! How did he meet her? I then noticed that they were worship leaders and worked with the youth in their church and seemed very active serving the Lord. And the strangest thought hit me all of a sudden. Wouldn't it be awesome to have her lead worship for our conference? Maybe one day when we are big and well known we can ask her to team up with us. That thought stayed in the back of my mind and kept popping up at them most unexpected times.

Well, little did I know that at our very first committee meeting we would find out our worship leader would tell us she felt like God was closing the door for her to lead. We felt a little shocked and disappointed, but then immediately Tiffany Thornton Capaci's name popped into my head. I giggled and said "yeah okay God!!" I felt too embarrassed to even share the idea with the other ladies. Marianne was busy writing down names of potential worship leaders when she asked me if I had any ideas. "Nope" I quickly said. Then instantly I felt God prick my heart to speak up. "Well, maybe, possibly. No, never mind  it's way too impossible." Marianne and the other ladies looked at me like I was coo-coo. I squirmed in my chair knowing God was telling me to share the idea. So, I did but also included my own idea along with it. I told them about her but then said how cool would it be if we could contact her if the conference ever gets big. The words felt so silly coming out of my mouth and I noticed Marianne's mouth dropped to the floor. Once she picked it back up, she said, "I'm going to tell you what you would tell me. Why not contact her now? Why wait? Is our God not big enough?" 

 How does one respond to that? This entire process we had asked God to do what we couldn't do. We claimed the question "how big is our God?: We trusted Him to put the people He wanted to place together. And at the first challenging opportunity I doubted that God was big enough to be God. 

 So, I reached out to her and asked her to be our worship leader and one of our speakers. I prayed the entire time I typed up the message. I prayed the entire time I stared at the send button. I also prayed that instead of rejecting us and thinking we were absolutely crazy, she would be kind enough not to respond. In fact, I'm pretty sure I told her it was completely fine if she didn't respond...haha. And I honestly believed I would not ever hear back from her.

But here an interesting fact ladies. When we get ourselves out of the way. Put our fears and insecurities to the side and let God be God, some pretty amazing things can happen. In a very short time I received a notification the she (TIFFANY THORNTON CAPACI) responded back. Okay, so the fear I had sending the message does not even compare to the fear I had opening the message. I was ready for rejection. I started reading the message with one eye opened, as if that would soften the blow or something. But both eyes popped open as I saw a message full of interest! She was not only very interested in the opportunity but very excited. EXCITED?

She shared that God had placed a desire in her heart to stared sharing her story with others. She had been praying that God would open doors for her to begin to speak to ladies. And she wanted to get on board with Righteously Southern.


You see ladies, I had no idea what God was doing on the other side. I couldn't see that He was preparing her heart for this invitation. All I could see was my fear and my insecurity. But God wanted me to set that aside and follow Him. He wanted my obedience, no matter how big, how challenging, or how scary it seemed. 

 If you were at the conference, you know how truly wonderful Tiffany was. From leading worship to sharing her story, she was a tremendous blessing. As were all the speakers. Each one was spirit filled with a very inspiring story. Here is the pic of our amazing crew.

The entire day was amazing and life changing. And it all started with 2 gals with a vision, some faith, and a willing heart to follow God. I'm not sharing this story to brag on me or Marianne but to let you know, If God can use us, He can use you. He wants to do amazing things in you and through you. All it takes is a little trust and pixy dust...oh wait wrong saying, my brain just had to go there! but seriously... A little trust  and a willing heart. 

What is it that God is leading you to do? I wish I could tell you it won't be scary or challenging. It might be. But in spite of the fear and the hardships, I can tell you it will be worth it all. God can do more than you ever imagined. His ways are greater than ours! He is a good good God! I share this pic of me holding a conference shirt encouraging you to follow your dreams and the calling God has for you. I share this pic because I had no idea God would continue the journey and add a social media page, shirts, a blog and now a marriage conference coming Nov 10th...that's right. Spoiler alert. You are the first to know!!! But, I couldn't see all God had in store, all I knew was that I needed to get my fears, insecurities, and short-comings out of the way and let God be God. There is nothing too hard or too impossible for God. So today, let me ask you, How big is your God? Is He big enough for you to put your faith, trust and obedience in. Follow Him... you will never regret it.

Dorothy Gates


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