Friday Feature

Our Friday Feature is from the beautiful Mindi Ducomb. I first met Mindy years ago in Zumbu class. She was sweet, friendly, and just a little on the quiet side. What drew me to her was her dedication to her weight loss journey. She knew what she wanted and she was unstoppable. She had a desire that was unquenchable and I admired her for it. I have watched her on this health journey throughout the years and have seen her conquere goal after goal. Her passion for life is contagious and her desire to help others is geniune. Please read her post, you will be inspired and challenged.

When I was growing up, there was never ONE set thing I wanted to be. I wanted to be a marine scientist (accomplished), teacher, vet, nurse and initially set on doctor because I was told I was “smart” and so I figured that’s what I should do. I always knew I wanted to make my corner of the world a better place, but I just didn’t know HOW I wanted to do it. I never felt like I EXCELLED at one thing. I was pretty good at a lot of things. I made good grades (because I
studied) was decent in band (because I practiced) I worked HARD, but I never felt I was an “expert” in anything, ESPECIALLY when trying to figure out a career path in college and Graduate school is a whole DIFFERENT ball game in itself.  I was okay at research, but I never felt like I was the best, or the most talented, or even the smartest I just felt like there wasn’t ANYTHING I was innately GOOD at. But.... through a LOT of self-reflection, down time with Jesus, and some personal development, I realized that there is ONE thing I realize I’m GOOD at...

I’m literally a professional encourager
I LOVE to help people realize they can do ANYTHING they put their mind to.
I LOVE to use my passion for health and fitness (which if you’ve followed my story you know I
have a journey for sure) to help other people feel GOOD about themselves, and realize they are more than that self-doubt and self-criticism.
I LOVE when my challengers tell me their success stories and know I got to play the tiniest little part in helping them BELIEVE in their selves.
And now I want to help mentor those who ALSO want to use their story to genuinely HELP others believe they CAN do HARD things.
If YOU have a passion to help others, love health and fitness, and what to find a way to combine the two, I would LOVE to have you on my team
Because who doesn’t want to be part of a tribe that empowers each other up instead of tearing each other down like the majority of the world tries to do?

And all of this came about with the start of my health and fitness journey. I was always the “big girl.” Even as a small child, I was always taller than the other kids, and bigger than the other girls.  I was considered “funny” or “sweet” or “smart” or even “one of the guys”, but never “pretty.”  I was the girl that helped all her friends with relationship advice but didn’t have relationships because she never felt pretty enough because of her size. I was the girl who longed to be petite and small, to shop in NORMAL stores and wear clothes that the other girls wore. I was the girl who made decent grades, but also lacked self-esteem about her physical appearance. The one who would have done almost ANYTHING to have a flat stomach or be able to run around in Nike shorts and a t-shirt and be comfortable. The one who would have NEVER had worn a two piece that showed the slightest bit of mid-section, never mind post it bare on
social media. That precious girl still has self-doubt, but has learned to love her body as it was and as it is and excited about how it will be And now, this girl rocks Nike shorts 90% of the time (making up for lost time) has more two pieces than not  has worn items of clothing that,
according to the traditional fashion world, were not made for “big girls”
Do I still have softness in my tummy? Yep!
Do I have stretch marks? Yep

Do I still have things that jiggle and wiggle? Absolutely
But you know what? Thanks to 30 min workouts, a lot of self-love, MANY talks with Jesus, and an 80/20 lifestyle, I love every inch of my body, mental AND physical.


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