The Fork In The Road

Follower of Christ Friday 
November 11, 2020

Ever been looking for a specific themed video on YouTube, instead find something totally unrelated but something you still needed to see? That was me a few years ago when I stumbled upon Author and Speaker, Christine Caine telling some of her testimony.  (warning this may be a lot of parphrase) 

She was talking about when she was in seminary how one of her preaching professors pretty much told her that she did terrible, and that she should never teach / preach to an audience again!!  I expected to next hear how it made her mad, and how she vowed to him that she would "show him."  

I mean she is Christine Caine, this great motivating woman who currently speaks internationally to thousands of people.  She overcame it somehow. 

However, what I wasn't expecting was to to hear what really happened.  She said it absolutely DEFEATED her.  She felt shame!  She questioned her worth! She didn't want to and in fact didn't speak for a long while after that. What a Shame!  

Words have weight and these words caused her to question the path to which God had called her. 

Have you ever been there? Had a dream, a goal, a God called path that was brought into question by the careless words of another? It's terrible.  In THAT moment you are hurt, and you may experience anger, shock or disbelief.  In the present, we don't get to see what happens after the fact, After the Fork In The Road. 

Conversely, hindsight is a funny thing, isn't it?  We get the vantage point to look backward on the life of our own or others to see where that life is AFTER the trial, AFTER the tribulation, AFTER the pain that almost "took them out."  

Thankfully, she continued her story in this video I stumbled upon.  It was at some point she came to the realization to remind her that it was God to whom had called her to a life of ministry.  Was she going to stop because of something someone else said?  NO! She needed to be obedient.  

Then came the phrase that rocked my world. "What's on the Other Side of your obedience?  She had a choice, a "fork in the road."  Was she going to stay on the side of defeat? On the side of an unrealized dream, goal, or specified path.  Or worse....On the side of DISOBEDIENCE? 

Thankfully, we know what was on the OTHER SIDE of her OBEDIENCE!  She's living it right now. There's no way to know this side of heaven how many lives she has been able to touch because she was OBEDIENT to what God had called her.  She made the RIGHT decision despite the enemy's plan to stop it.   

So I ask you today... What calling do you have on your life?  What dream do you have?                 What is God nudging you to do that someone else, including yourself, has said you can't or shouldn't? 

If you think "I just can't decide whether to or not!"  Know this, we always make a choice.  Active or Inactive.  If we choose to not act, that is STILL a choice.  Let's look back later and say "I'm so glad I did, not I wish I had" 

Don't you want to know What's On the Other side of your Obedience? Christine Caine went on to say "There are people on the other side of your Obedience who are depending on you getting up" 

So I ask you... Will you get up?  

                                                Will you choose Obedience or Disobedience? 

                                                                                                      It's your Fork in the Road, choose wisely. 

As we continue to learn to follow Christ, 




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