Hello all my righteously southern ladies!!!! I was going to share with y’all what I spoke about at the conference, but a friend messaged me with some concerns the other night and I thought maybe others maybe dealing with the same thing!!

She had a faint heart! Why did God put me here? How do I serve Him under these circumstances? How do I maintain my joy when things are so hard? Ladies! These are some tough questions! And some we face almost daily!!! Those questions are just Satan rearing his evil little head! It’s spiritual warfare inside you! Ladies, oh sweet ladies, if we will just pour ourselves into scripture and prayer, these are the times that our God will show out in ways we have only imagined possible!!! Peace, comfort, and joy can be restored!!!! We just have to get out the way, get out of our own heads, and engorge ourselves in Christ. Keep your heads up ladies! Put on the  garment of praise!! Because “God is bigger than boogie man, he’s bigger than Godzilla or the monsters on tv!!” (Sorry I had a small veggie tales moment!!) seriously though, He has already won, He has already overcome, and you can and will too!!

Isaiah 63:3 “to grant to those who mourn in Zion— to give them a beautiful headdress instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the garment of praise instead of a faint spirit; that they may be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he may be glorified.”

He has a plan, you are here or there for reason, to glorify HIM!!! Put on those garments of praise and we will become Righteously Southern Oaks!!!! Strong, deeply rooted in Christ, amazing women!!!!

Marianne Lancaster is the creative, hysterical, master-mind behind Righteously Southern. She is the Co-founder and host of the upcoming ladies conference in April. She is the proud wife of an amazing, loving, incredible, godly Pastor of First Baptist Church in Hickory Flat, her opinion may be a little partial though! She is the blessed momma of two beautiful yet, mischievous little Angels. She is a self- proclaimed country girl who is finding her inner princess one dress-up costume at a time! Marianne has the unique gift of finding humor in every situation. She is patiently learning to juggle the chaos of life with the help of JESUS, COFFEE and HAIR TWIRLING!


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