Today's post  is from Tammie Polk. Righteously Southern is so blessed to have Tammie on our crew. She is on the RS committee  and was  one of the keynote speakers for the RSLC in April. She is our graphic designer, conference organizer, and  "brain" behind most of the planning.
Tammie is a married homeschooling mama of three girls from Memphis, TN and the proud author of 23 books on various topics. When she is not hosting workshops or taking the internet by storm in her business, she is active in her church as a choir member and nursery worker. Tammie’s goal and joy is to help women who are struggling to rise above their frustrations, reclaim their lives and talents, and evolve into the women who are free to transform their talents into a treasure. You can follow Tammie at Tammie Polk here on FB or  @tammieterrellmc on IG. She will be hosting a Boot Camp in July, so go check that out, and feel feet leave a message for more information.  Now...let's hear from Tammie 😊

At the conference, I was asked to speak on being a righteous worker and I had a blast! I presented the Proverbs 31 woman in a way that most have never heard. Want to know something else mist have never heard? EVERY Woman Is a Business Woman!
When I say that to people, they automatically hit me with what they don't have and what they don't do, not understanding that they still have themselves!
The woman who looks back at you when you look in the mirror matters! What you show to the world every day matters!
You say, "Tammie, no I don't." I beg to differ! You're affected by what you're reading, watching, listening to, and doing! You are made in the image and likeness of God, ma'am! He made you for a purpose and you are NOT to EVER let anyone make you forget that.
"So, what am I supposed to do with this business?" Find out what it is that God wants you to do and get it done. Don't tear it down by turning into Moses, who thought everything in the world was wrong with him physically. Don't tear it down by turning into Gideon, who felt like he couldn't be used because of who he was and where he came from. Don't tear it down like Jonah, who felt like the responsibility was too great. Don't tear it down like Sarah, who thought her age was an issue.
ALL of these people had something that God needed them to do -- a business to run, if you will. When they left their "shortcomings" to God, they changed LIVES!
What will YOU do, business woman? How long will you sit on the dream and vision you KNOW that GOD gave you?
I know the money isn't there...been there.
I know time is scarce...been there.
I know you have a that.
You may have a job...check!
You doubt the significance of your talents...stop that!
You can only do one thing...not true!
You're comfortable and life is good...hmmm!
It's time for you to take your place and I'm here to help you!

Tammie Polk


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