Weathering the Storms

Hi Ladies! I am so thrilled to have the opportunity to get to chat with you guys. I do not take this opportunity lightly. When I was trying to figure out what I wanted to chat with you guys about, God kept saying talk about weathering the storm. I didn’t really want to because we are going through the aftermath of a storm right now and I don’t feel qualified to talk about this, but in true fashion He kept bringing it up. Then it hit me, I don’t have to talk about the storm we are going through right now, I have been through a ton of storms. By storms I mean things or situations in your life that can tear you down and take you away from God if you allow them to. Things like Divorce, miscarriages, not being able to have children, death of a child, or loved one etc, etc. So, today I am going to chat with you about the storm of divorce. Ladies, I fell in love when I was 17 years old with the man I just knew I was going to spend the rest of my life with. I mean I loved him wit...