The Beginning of RSLC

Hi ladies!! I wanted to start of by saying thank you so much for all the love, support, and encouragement of this new adventure . We are overwhelmed by all the goodness of God throughout this journey. Thank you! Since many of you ladies may not know who we are, I wanted to share our story, our vision, and who we are.
Righteously Southern was founded Marianne Lancaster and me (Dorothy Gates)

 The vision started when I had just released my very first book P.I.N.K = People In Need of Kindness. God laid it on my heart to start a ladies conference and the idea terrified me. It was hard enough to write a book, now a ladies conference? I  felt led to call my friend Marianne and share the vision with her and tell her what I thought God was asking me to do. I then begged her to tell me I was crazy and to come back to the sane side immediately. However, I must have called the wrong person, because instead of her telling me to come down off the ledge, she said God was also speaking to her about the same thing.


So, the two of us took the plunge and began to twirl around the idea of hosting a ladies conference. We didn't know when, where, what, or how.  We were just crazy enough to believe that  if God was leading us to actually do this,  He would provide an answer for every question. And He did! Not only did He open the door, walk us through that door, but He has opened up several doors since. We had no idea that the 2018 ladies conference would be just the beginning of the Righteously Southern adventure.

For years it has been a dream of mine to offer a gathering place where women from all different walks of life could gather together and grow in the Lord. A place where we could all find encouragement, laughter, and inspiration; no matter where we live, the denomination of the church we belong to, our personality type, or our strengths and  weaknesses. A fun, happy, motivating place where sisters in Christ can unite and come together in love. A spot where we can find a little strength to get through life and be reminded of the Lord's love, goodness, and mercy.

Today, I am humbled and  excited to announce that the Lord has opened that door for Righteously Redeemed. We will be offering  motivational posts,  funny stories,  inspiring testimonies, and encouraging verses! We will have our Righteously Redeemed Crew on board as well as several guest bloggers, preacher's wives, speakers, authors, and other ladies who have a story to tell.

We pray you will join the journey and enjoy this adventure with us. Our prayer is that you will find a place where you feel at home and a community that you can call family! You can follow us here as well as our Righteously Redeemed FB page and group and over on IG @righteously_southern. 

Many Blessings,
Dorothy Gates


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