Love and Obedience

As a young girl, I longed for one thing, my daddy to be proud of me. After years of not having a good relationship with my father, I longed to be accepted by him. I met my husband at 21, who now I call my Hosea. Why? You ask. The first time I read the book of Hosea, I got the love story of Hosea and Gomer. He was able to love a broken woman as my husband was able to love me in spite of me not knowing how to receive that love, so romantic right, what's even more romantic is as I dug deeper and deeper into Hosea we see a love story unlike anything before, that has no limits, and never ends. 

In chapter 1 we see where the Lord called Hosea to marry a promiscuous woman.  Then he was to have children with her and they would have names of promiscuity. Why? Why in the world would Christ call him an innocent man to do this, enter a relationship where He knew Hosea could and probably would end up hurt? Mind you, that at this same time as we as humans often do, the Israelites were prosperous all was right so they began to distance themselves from Christ. They basically began to cheat on the Lord, as also was the probability that Gomer would on Hosea. 

Hosea knew the probability of being hurt, he also knew the calling the Lord gave him; not only to marry a promiscuous woman but plead with the people Israel to return to the Lord.

My oh my, what a task. Hosea entered in obedience to the Lord and listened to his calling. 

When I finally realized who my Heavenly Father was and stopped dwelling in the relationship I had with my earthly father, I was able to listen and become obedient. I was able to realize my sweet husband loved me and I’m valued by my Lord. So sweet girl who seeks approval from her father who is absent or there is friction in the relationship, to the sweet girl looking for who your going to marry, look up first! Trust and know that to Jesus you are worth far more that rubies. In the moments you want to know love, turn to Jesus. He loves you without fail! Like in the story of Hosea and Gomer Jesus gave all He could His life for you!!! Now that beauties is an amazing love story!!! 

Had I continued to dwell in a longing that could or could not happen, I could have missed out on the love right in front of me. Just like had Hosea not been obedient to the Lord the Israelites would’ve continued to miss out on the Love of Jesus! 
From Brienne Bishop


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