The Crew

Meet our Righteously Redeemed Writers

Dorothy Gates​​ is the visionary of Righteously Redeemed and the  co-founder, and host of Righteously Southern. What started off as a dream several years ago turned into a step of faith and led her here to start this RS community. She is a proud Southern Belle who lives in North Mississippi. She is married to her country boy sweetheart and is the mother of a spunky little firecracker. Dorothy​​ is a Christian blogger at Rustic Bling, and is the author of "P.I.N.K. = People In Need of Kindness" "Sparkle and Shine"  and her newest book, #distracted. She is also an active member at Flatrock Baptist Church where she loves to serve. She is a piano teacher and a Realtor. Although she does not consider herself an author, she has found her passion in writing and encouraging women to obey God, and follow his calling on their life. Her greatest desire is to live a joyful life full of peace and contentment in a way that brings glory to the Father. She loves her family, friends, fashion, faith, and big hair! You can follow her on Instagram @dorothyhgates or on her FB page Dorothy Hill Gates 

Marianne Lancaster is the creative, hysterical, master-mind behind Righteously Rednecks. She is also the Co-founder and host of RSLC. She not only actively helps run RS,  she is also a pastor's wife and a full time worker at Baptist. She is  the proud wife of an amazing, loving, incredible, godly Pastor of First Baptist Church in Hickory Flat, her opinion may be a little partial though! She is the blessed momma of two beautiful yet, mischievous little Angels. She is a self- proclaimed country girl who is finding her inner princess one dress-up costume at a time! Marianne has the unique gift of finding humor in every situation. She is patiently learning to juggle the chaos of life with the help of JESUS, COFFEE and HAIR TWIRLING! 

Righteously Redeemed is so blessed to have Tammie Polk on our crew. She is on the RSLC committee and was one of our keynote speakers at the 2018 conference. She is our graphic designer, conference organizer and the "brain" behind most of the planning. Tammie is a married homeschooling mama of three girls from Memphis, TN and the proud author of 29 books on various topics. When she is not hosting workshops or taking the internet by storm in her business, she is active in her church as a choir member and nursery worker. Tammie’s goal and joy is to help women who are struggling to rise above their frustrations, reclaim their lives and talents, and evolve into the women who are free to transform their talents into a treasure—a God-honoring business for herself while maintaining a strong family base and her sanity. Many of Tammie’s books come from the conversations she has with women about the things that the struggle with and she uses the written word to help them, herself, and others to overcome and eliminate excuses and excel to do more, better, and greater for the Lord and their families!
You can find Tammie at Tammie Polk on FB or @tammieterrellmc
on IG.

 This next  gal Jennifer Brown has not only been one of my oldest friends, and by that I do not mean her age because I am slightly (and I do mean slightly) a tad bit older than her, but she was also my very first Yankee friend!! I met Jenny when my dad took the pastoral position in the church her family attended in Versailles, Illinois. I will never forget the first time I met this 16 year old, blond haired, ready-to-take-on-the-world, gorgeous  Northern girl. I had never met anyone so feisty, frank, and fun in all my life. She was full of life and determination and I knew instantly that little fire-cracker would be one of my dearest friends. She had a strength about her that was obvious, although I could not have  fully put it into words back then, nor did I fully recognize the amount of endurance she would be capable of until here recently. Through the years I have watched Jenny go through one heart break after another. Year after year I watched her go through trial after trail, yet she never wavered. She never turned from God and her faith never faltered. It seemed with each storm, she just got stronger and stronger. Then this past February  I watched as Jenny and her family  went through the greatest heartbreak, the toughest trail, and the strongest storm they have ever had to face when they lost their son, Ki Brown, to a horrific motorcycle accident. I watched as the family gathered together and thousands of friends united in a beautiful memorial service to celebrate the life of Ki. I stood from a far and watched my friend cry in grief, but not in anger. She was broken, but she was not bitter. I was inspired by the strength she had and has always had and I wondered, how? How could she find the strength to get through this storm. Yet, I knew how, It was because God is real to her. She faced this storm like she had every storm, not in her strength but in the strength of her dear Savior. At our conference in April it was our privilege to honor Jenny with the first annual  #Kistrong award. And now it is our privilege to have Jenny take over that department for Righteously Southern. We will have more to say about that in the weeks and months to come, but for now will you please help me welcome Jenny Brown to the Righteously Southern Family. You can follow her on facebook at Jennifer Scoggan-Brown
. You can also read more about Ki's story at #kistrong or Ki Brown.

Some of our favorite Guest Writers include:

Righteously Redeemed is so proud to have Angie Camp as one of our writers. She was our featured guest speaker at the 2018 conference. She is a speaker, author, worship leader and Christian counselor. Angie is a life-long resident of North Mississippi. A background in church music and theater, Angie has had the privilege of directing North Mississippi’s most renowned Christmas/Easter pageants where she used her gifts in screenplay writing, song selection, choral direction and dramatic arts.
In 2006, Angie’s life took a dramatic turn when her family would face incredible trials and tragedies. Angie’s family would face the revelation of her husband’s many addicts and life-struggles, her oldest son’s tragic accident, leaving him with severe burns and a double amputee, loss of material possessions, divorce, death of husband and death of a son.
These events, combined with other traumatic events faced as a child, compelled Angie to start her own ministry, More Than Restored Ministries. Through this ministry, Angie seeks to help women of all ages go from brokenness to wholeness through the power of God’s word. She is completing her Christian counseling degree through Liberty University Online.
Angie is the single mother of five, her oldest now in heaven, and is grandmother to her grandsons Baylor and Liam, who know her as “Peaches.” She is also a member of The Anchor Church in Tupelo where she teaches Sunday school and serves on the worship team. She also is involved with the established ministries under the umbrella of The Anchor Church…Transformation Ranch for men and Transformation Home for women, which are faith-based drug and alcohol addiction facilities. Other facilities for human-trafficking, transitional housing for the homeless and early releases are being added.
Angie also partners with other ministries, such as Kelly Williams Ministries and ReDesign LLC to help bring women full circle when facing addictions, coming out of incarceration and battling life-struggles.
Angie’s Christian fiction novel based on true life events, Hells Bend: A Moment from Eternity, is being made into a movie.
If you would like to know more about Angie you can follow her on Facebook Angie Camp "More than Restored Ministries", and IG @morethanrestoredministries

 Meet Brienne Bishop... Brie is 31 years old and has been married to her amazing husband Robby for 4 years. She loves Jesus and strives to make Him proud. She works at the Wal-mart Academy and is also an It Works distributor. She proudly admits she  doesn't have everything figured out, but if you do she would love to have coffee sometime! She loves to laugh and feels that laughter is one of God's greatest gifts in life. She prays that God  blesses each of  you beyond all measure.

The Lord came into her life at 21. He brought her hubby, and little did she know He would use her husband to help her fall in love with Jesus! She grew up in a home where we knew about God, her sweet momma loved Jesus and instilled that into her kids. Brie knew she was missing a part of something though, that intimacy of a real relationship with Him as her Heavenly Father. It wasn't until after church one night she was balling and was on the phone with her at that time boyfriend, . She said "Robby, I don't think I'm saved." To which her sweet man replied, "you know you can be?"  She got saved and has been crazy in love with the Lord ever since.


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