* Follower of Christ Friday *

Ah February 14! It’s upon us again!  The day we celebrate what we know about ❤️ love!  Love of sweethearts, love of family, and love of friends.  Chocolate and candy hearts, colors of pink and red… everywhere!  For me, it’s also a couple of days before my youngest son’s birthday, so we celebrate him around this time too!  
There’s the love we know, and then there’s the love that we won’t fully comprehend this side of heaven...the love our Heavenly Father has for us. Thankfully, my understanding of God’s love for me has changed over the years.
Maybe you can relate.

See, I first had a mindset that God didn’t like me, and was just waiting on me to fail so he could punish me.  I mean, he loved me because he sent his son to die for me and the rest of the world, but he didn’t like me.  Then, my understanding sort of changed into a performance based relationship where I believed God loved me, but it was conditional as long as I followed certain laws or guidelines to keep in compliance with him. Finally, through a process, and much patience from the Lord, I have reached a place where I know he truly loves me …
Right. Where. I.  Am. 

Several months ago, I had a great revelation!  The way we feel or the way others feel about us does not directly equal how God looks at us.  I had believed for years that if I was disappointed in MYSELF for things I had and hadn’t done, then God must be disappointed as well. 
Then God, in His normal gentle way, said to me, “Brandi, to be disappointed means that my expectations have not been met, and since I know everything about you, past, present, and future, I don’t have any UNMET expectations of you.”

What?  He’s not disappointed?  How can that be?  All this time…I had been deceived.  So much time I had spent…not trying to earn salvation mind you, but trying to prove with my behavior and performance that Jesus’ death had been worth it. 
It was a backwards works mentality.
Nothing I do can make Him love me more, nor could anything I don’t do make Him love me less.  God knew we needed a savior. Jesus came willingly, and It was a free gift.

I . Am. Simply. Loved!  So are you. 
So for this Valentine’s Day as you love on those important to you, remember that you are important to THE FATHER.  If you ever doubt what God thinks about you, remember the cross is how God thinks of you.  He loves you!  He is love!

Romans 5:8 But God, showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us WHILE we were STILL sinners!

Brandi Bell is the wife of Doug Bell and the mom to three amazing boys; Paxton, Cooper, and Jarvis. She and Doug have been married for almost 19 years, and since 2005, have been serving as Worship Pastor and Senior Pastor at CrossPointe Church in Olive Branch, MS. Day to day you can find her homeschooling her  boys, surrounded by music, enjoying planners, good writing pens, and coffee.


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