He Can Handle It

*Follower of Christ Friday* 

TEARS!  TEARS!  TEARS!  Ever had one of those mornings where your mind is racing with all of the lies the enemy tells you, and it just gets the best of you?  

Well that was me last week.  

I woke up to my normal routine;  A “Good Morning” to God, a trip to the coffee pot, and then a seat at the table for some quiet time with the Word.  Without fail, every morning, and only minutes before I am to sit down with the Lord, the enemy starts in on me.  Lies, lies, lies, I recognize them for what they are as they rush into my head.  Normally I can say, “Nope, that’s not true, God says otherwise!” Or “Stop, satan, flee from me and get out of here.” 

This day was different. 

I was tired and also hadn’t been feeling well.  If you don’t know…these things are just two ways that make you more susceptible to an attack by the enemy.  He is a hunter, who knows his prey!  And like any good hunter, uses the right bait at just the right time.   

I got my coffee, sat down, and pulled my Bible and prayer journal out.  I sat motionless for a couple of minutes and thought “I don’t even want to do this.” My body was weak, my soul was drained by my thoughts and emotions, yet still in my spirit I felt a tug.  
The drawing of The Holy Spirit to “Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy burdened, and I WILL give you rest.” Matthew 11:28  Our Father continues “Child, tell me your troubles…let me "quiet you with with my love.” (Zephaniah 3:17 NKJV) 

Now, I had several choices… I could go back to bed, I could stay in my thoughts and ruin my day or I could get into the word and talk to God. I chose the latter quickly.  

Since I write the majority of my prayers to aid in my ability to focus, I put pen to paper!  
As I began writing, the hot, wet tears poured down my cheeks smearing the words as I wrote them. And Although I really couldn’t see to do so, I continued until I was empty!  

Emptied of all the emotions, the lies, the thoughts I was having about my insecurities, life circumstances, relationships, responsibilities, and everything in between. I confessed to God, without holding back anything. 

I didn’t try to say words I thought appropriate, or that he needed or wanted to hear.  I didn’t try to push back the tears because I was afraid he would think me weak, emotional, or lacking Christian maturity.  I was me, and at that moment. . . I was broken.  

All of it done without fear of rejection, fear of abandonment, or fear of being “too much” for Him.  

While waiting for Father’s voice to speak more to me,  I reread what I had just written and realized that …
Everything I was thinking and feeling was fueled by . . . fear! 

You know our common enemy lives to instill fear, right…? If he can get us to take ahold of it, then he can STEAL our peace. Which can keep us from accomplishing what God has already equipped us to do, by taking our eyes off of God.   Fear is faith in something that MAY or may NOT happen.  I knew my faith in God and His truth, however,  was stronger than a “what if.”   God’s word that I had hidden in my heart came to mind…

“I Prayed to the Lord and he freed me from my fears. Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces. In my desperation I prayed and the Lord listened; he saved me from all my troubles. . . The Lord hears his people when they call to him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.” (Psalm 34:4-6, 17-18 NLT) 

I felt strength returning.  I had done exactly what I needed to do.  I had run to Our Father.  He had calmed my fears.  I was refueled by the truth of who I am, how much God loves me, and how He will always be with me, no matter what is going on, or in whatever emotional state I am currently. 

What a complete RELIEF it is, and should be to you, to know that we can come boldly to our heavenly Father and just ABSOLUTELY, COMPLETELY, FALL APART!  No condemnation, no shame, just absolute acceptance.  

Rest in this . . . as messy and broken as we are, He Is NOT deterred, uncomfortable, or intimidated by our words, thoughts, and emotions. Go with confidence that you are NEVER too much for God!
Run to him.  
Fall into His arms. 
Read his truths about you. 

Be honest and tell him everything. . . He can handle it! 

 Brandi Bell is the wife of Doug Bell and the mom to three amazing boys; 
Paxton, Cooper, and Jarvis. She and Doug have been married for almost 19 years, 
and since 2005, have been serving as Worship Pastor and Senior Pastor at
CrossPointe Church in Olive Branch, MS. Day to day you can find her homeschooling
her boys, surrounded by music, enjoying planners, good writing pens, and coffee. 


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