Marriage Ain't Easy Monday

~Marriage Ain’t Easy Monday~

Hey everyone! Happy Monday to you!

We had our first annual ladies renewal retreat this wknd and Jessie one of our speakers spoke to us about the lies the devil tells us and how we let those lies creep into our lives and hearts and we start believing them. The same thing applies to our marriages. The devil hates marriage and families. He wants nothing more than to destroy them all! I am going to be real open with you for just a few minutes. 

The devil wears me out with lies! I’m putting this out here because I know he is doing it to y’all too. The devil is a lie and anything he tells you is going to be harsh and hurtful and anything God tells you is going to be soft and loving. The devil tells me that my husband is cheating on me just like my last husband did. The devil tells me that our marriage will never last, that there’s no way your husband loves you, there’s no way he thinks your still pretty, and the list goes on and on!

 Ladies and Gents, the devil is a liar and a really good one, he walks around like a lion seeking whom he can devour. He even tries to lie to himself and say that he is a lion when we know the real lion is Jesus! Jesus says we are chosen and we are His children! Stop listening to the lies of Satan! Your spouse loves you, they still think your the best thing since slice bread, and that you are gorgeous or handsome!

1 John 4:4 says greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world. The next time the devil starts in with those lies tell him to hit the road or as Ms. Judy said this wknd the next time satan comes a knocking send Jesus to get the door! Go love on your spouse! Don’t forget Friday is Valentine’s Day...wouldn’t it be awesome if we made ever day Valentines Day. You don’t have to spend a bunch of money on them to show them you love them! Little acts of genuine love mean more than the others I promise! ❤️

Jennifer Scoggan-Brown


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