🌸Single Gals Saturday 🌸


All the single ladies, put your hands up...if you survived another Valentine’s Day. Sometimes it’s tough being single on the holiday set aside for people who are in love. I used to dread it. Seeing the sudden surge in beautiful proposals made me cringe, and I’d think to myself, “Will I ever be with someone who makes me that happy?

But God has taught me some very valuable lessons during my season of singleness. I’ve learned that it’s okay to be happy being single. That my self-worth and my happiness are not dependent on anyone else. And that just because I am single, it does not mean that I am alone.

I was married once upon a time. For 18 years, I shared my life with someone else. During that time, however, I didn’t know who I was without him. I had no identity outside our marriage. And because of that, I was incapable of being the kind of wife that God intended. I depended on my husband for my happiness. And we all know what happens when we place expectations on people, right? We end up disappointed. Because we are all humans, and we all change.

You know who NEVER changes and NEVER lets us down? God! He is ALWAYS faithful. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. We can always count on His Word to be true, and He is faithful in His Promises!

I know, because I’ve seen it!
To be honest, it surprises me how content I am to not be in a relationship. I’ve ALWAYS been in one, since I was 17. I’ve always been “Kim & so-and-so.” I felt like I had no identity unless I was in a relationship, so I jumped right from one into another, without allowing myself the time I needed to find out who I was and what I needed. Or more importantly, to allow God to work in me to prepare me for the man He has for me.
So, this time, I’m being obedient. He said, “Be still,” and that is what I’m going to do. And I can rejoice with my friends who get engaged, or are in love, or get married, or celebrate their 20th anniversary. Because I KNOW that God has someone for me that will be better than anyone that I could ever settle for.

I already love him. I already pray for him.
But in the meantime, I am really, really enjoying my life as it is with the awesome, crazy and inspiring friends that He has put in my life. I get to show my kids by example that patience is a virtue and that settling is never an option.
I may be single. But I am never, ever alone.  And neither are you!

*Kim Thompson is a Christ follower who is an amicably divorced mother of three beautiful children - Taylor (21), Elijah (16), and Amelia (13). By day, she is a payroll clerk who wears many other hats for a farm labor contractor. With a life-long love of writing, she has written many online articles and blogs, and has a small business, The Resume Fairy. She is one of the worship leaders at CrossPointe Church, and also works with the youth group there. As a recovering addict (over 3 years sober!) she is an advocate for addiction recovery. Kim is also a breast cancer survivor.


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