*Totally in Tuesdays*

Arise and go DEEPER with God 

I'm so exited to share this new series with ya'll. I hope it will be a blessing and encourage you to go deeper with God and shine brighter for Him. The next few weeks I will share a few points from my book, Sparkle and Shine, and add some new fresh thoughts the Lord has recently laid on my heart. I hope you will tune in each Tuesday and allow God to speak to your heart! My desire is for each of us to go totally in with God.

Awake Arise and Shine

Ladies, it’s time. It’s time to get up and go out and let our Lights shine for the Lord. We were not given our Light so that we could keep it to ourselves in the comfy-cozy, safe environment of our homes. God did not start a flame in our hearts so that that we could build a fire at home and enjoy it with just our families. Nope, He calls us to go out into the Highways and the Hedges, to the outcast and the destitute, to the poor and to the weak. He challenges us to follow Him and share His Light with everyone we come in contact with; at the grocery stores, the baseball fields, and with the telemarketers who keep blowing up our phones. We have been called to get out and share our Lights.

Ephesians 5:14

Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.


1. Wake up out of your slumber

We must wake up. We live in a very self-centered environment. There are hurt people all around us and yet we choose to live in our Bubble where it’s nice and safe. We go to church, sing our songs, get inspired by the preaching, and go home and live our daily lives. There must be a change. We must wake up and open our eyes to the needs of our community. We must get out of the comfort zone of our Bubble and get our hands dirty serving others and loving God. Yes, it may be uncomfortable; it may inconvenience our schedules and rattle our way of thinking. We can not let our daily lives and routines stop us from reaching out to others. We can serve God everywhere we are, but we must WAKE UP and see where He is leading us.

2. Wake up to your calling

What has God called you to do? Where is God leading you to serve? What passion has He given you? What are your dreams and your goals? Wake up and discover what His plan and purpose is for you. Life was never meant for you to live without God’s plan, purpose, or passion burning in your soul. He has something so unique for you to do; but you must be willing to follow His leadership and His guidance. You must wake up to what God is calling you do to. If you do not know what your calling is, begin with praying and asking God to reveal it to you. Spend time with Him and seek His will. Go to your pastor and ask for advice and counsel. Look for areas in your church to serve.

If you know what your calling is, and you have not followed through with it, then jump up and get busy. Ask yourself why you are not following Him in your calling. Is it laziness, fear, insecurities, self-doubt, unworthiness of just plain disobedience? You have one chance to live this life and to live it well. You do not get a second chance. Life is but a vapor and soon it will pass. Serve Him while you can. Do not wait and wish you had. Remember, delayed obedience is nothing more than disobedience! There are hundreds of excuses and reasons why you can’t or why it might not be a good time; but please WAKE UP to your calling. You will never regret a life lived for God.

3. Wake up to your investments.

Where your treasure is there will your heart be also. Where do you invest your time? How do you invest your money? Is your heart tender for the things of God? The only things that will last for eternity are the things we do for Him.

 Are you selfish with your time? Do you only make time for your little world and the people that live in it? Do you make time for Kingdom work, community out-reach, work days at the church, revivals, conferences, ladies Bible studies, and mission projects or do you keep your time and your schedule selfishly rotating around your little Bubble. Wake up dear Sister and rotate your schedule and your family in the work of the Lord. Invest your time into your church and into your community and allow God to use you. Are you willing to allow God to be in control of your time and schedule?

Now, what about money? OUCH, this one hurts. Are you willing to dig deep and give even if it means you do with out? Are you willing to write a check to a missionary, knowing it might mean you have to struggle a little with your own personal budget? Are you willing to pay for a stranger’s groceries if God lays it upon your heart? Are you willing to open up your pocket book and give what’s in there if God asks you to? It is not an easy topic and it’s not an easy act of obedience. We work hard for our money and we want to keep it. Are you willing to allow God to be in control of your money?

God wants our hearts and He desires our obedience. He knows if He can get our money and our time then He can have our hearts. Wake up and see where your investments are, this will show us where our heart is.

This Tuesday are you willing to wake up to the things of God?
God is calling you in deeper with Him. 
Will you Awaken out of your slumber to hear His calling? 
Will go totally in with Him?

Dorothy Hill Gates is an author, speaker, and visionary of Righteously Redeemed. Her desire is to encourage women to go DEEPER with God and say YES to Him. You can follow her on facebook and Instagram for #dailydevoswithdot.


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