*Follower of Christ Friday* The Snooze Button

The Snooze Button 

by Brandi Bell 

Oh my goodness! Do you ever hit the snooze button? I do! 

I think as it pertains to alarm clocks, you can group people into one of two categories.  

First, there are those that hear the sound of the alarm, immediately get up and turn it off to go about their day.  The second type of person hears the alarm, hits the SNOOZE button, sometimes multiple times, to lengthen the sleep time they "think" it gives them.  

When you hit the snooze button, you are getting a temporary pause, a DELAY in the waking process. However, you are ALSO delaying everything that is to happen after you wake up.  

Yes, Brandi, that IS the point.

Personally, I can be both categories, yet most of the time I am a SNOOZE button girl.  I won't reveal how many times I generally hit it, but it's a lot! Ha!  

"So, Why DO we hit the snooze button?" I asked myself.  
Is it from a lack of sleep? Is it avoiding the daily events or responsibilities that await us? Probably "Yes," and "Yes." 

Whatever the reason, this morning, I gained a different outlook.  

What if me hitting the snooze button was not only allowing me more time in the bed, but was also inadvertently robbing me of the blessings that God had in store for me?  

If someone told me that if I woke up tomorrow morning on time and didn't hit the snooze button I would be entitled to receive a cash prize of $86,400, I would break my neck to get out of bed and probably be EARLY!  

Yet, we miss out on a lot of that currency EVERY MORNING.  How so?  

There are 86,400 seconds in a day and we carelessly spend them all the time. In essence, if you view time as money, you are receiving a sum every. single. morning.  In keeping with this metaphor, the currency of time is WAY more precious than money.  

So for me to sleep an extra 10 minutes, I am really robbing myself of whatever it is that I need to or could be doing with those precious moments. 

Maybe it's more time with the Lord, maybe some "me time" that I normally try to get in the late hours of the night, or maybe it's being in the right place at the right time so I can cross paths with someone to encourage or bless. 

Y'all we are NOT here to just exist... to wake up, do our daily activities, come home to stare at a screen, and then go to bed.  We are here to point people to Jesus.  

Generally, my "snoozing" has made me late for appointments, or at the least made me stressed out for having to rush around.  This revealed that there really wasn't a great benefit in those few extra minutes of sleep I received. 

My life verse in John 17:4 echoes loudly "Father, I brought glory to you on Earth by completing the work you gave me to do."   Lord don't let me miss it, whatever IT is.  

You have work to do too! 

I am passionately convinced that God chooses to use us. . . DAILY 
to accomplish HIS will for our lives.  Let's not hit the snooze on our blessings, or rob our ability to be a blessing to others. 

If you need more sleep go to bed earlier . . . and don't delay. 

~Brandi Bell 

Brandi Bell is the wife of Doug Bell and the mom to three amazing boys; 
Paxton, Cooper, and Jarvis. She and Doug have been married for almost 19 years, 
and since 2005, have been serving as Worship Pastor and Lead Pastor 
at CrossPointe Church in Olive Branch, MS. 
Day to day you can find her homeschooling her boys, surrounded by music, 
enjoying planners, good writing pens, and coffee. 


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