God's Tapestry

Tapestry weaving is a beautiful and time-consuming art form. The finished creation that hangs on the wall might be a beautiful, colorful landscape, but at one time, it was a barren loom with random threads, woven over and under one another. There was no clear picture, no form, and no sense to be made of it. I once heard someone say that our lives are like a splendid tapestry that God Himself is weaving. We are underneath this tapestry and can only see the underneath, unfinished work. Only He knows what the finished product will look like. Only The Creator knows how all of the various colors and threads will fit together to result in a completed work of art.

Each thread, each color, represents different events, people, trials and triumphs in your life, Right now, we may not be able to see clearly what or why things are happening. The more threads He weaves into the tapestry of our lives, the more He reveals to us, the more things come together. The more they make ssense. 

Some of the threads look painfully ugly to us. We wish He hadn’t woven that color there, or done this that way. One day, however, we will see that it was put there in that way at that particular time, because it was necessary for the threads around it to function properly within it. 

The older I get, the more I am able to look back on certain events in my life and realize, “Ahhhh, I see what You did there, Father.” Of course, I may be completely wrong, and there are some things we may never know or understand. That’s okay though. The Artist is constantly at work, weaving all the bits and pieces together to create the tapestry of YOUR life that is not like any other! Masterpieces take time and careful thought. Be patient with the process, and leave the weaving to Him. 

Ephesians 2:10 - For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

Happy Saturday, you works of art! 
Love and be loved!

Kim Thompson


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