Good Friday?

The Movie Reel

Are you a movie buff? I have always enjoyed movies!  Have you ever seen one of those movie scenes  when a character is about to die and in his mind flashes his whole life?

I think about that when I envision Jesus on the cross that "Good Friday."

After being beaten beyond recognition, spat upon, mocked, nailed to a cross to spend hours upon hours in agony for me, I often get teary-eyed thinking "What kept him on that cross?"

We know it had to be love!  I mean to leave a Heavenly throne, to humble himself and become human, to have never had any sin, guilt or shame, and then bear ALL the guilt, ALL the shame, and ALL the sin of the past, present and future world, including mine, it had to be love.

John 15:13 There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends

My husband, Doug, often says that the value of something is determined by what someone is willing to pay for it.  With that in mind, we must use this as a way to sort of bounce back in our mind our worth when the world or our crazy brain would say otherwise.  If the son of God thinks we are valuable enough to die for, we need to take that to the bank as truth!  We are so valuable in the eyes of God.  We need to remember this!

To Jesus, love isn't abstract! It's not this generic "I love you."

It's a very specific love for every. single. one of us.  

We are THAT valuable to HIM.  He died for each one of us individually, but collectively.

When he uttered "It is finished."  I like to believe at that exact moment the last person he was dying for, flashed in his mind just like one of those scenes in a movie.
It was done!

He completed the work he was sent to create a way for us to know the Father, and to one day live with him. . . forever.

He had overcome the world. . . and it was GOOD!!

Happy Resurrection Everyone,
Brandi M. Bell


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