Order In the Court

I confess, I have always enjoyed watching legal shows.  Everything from Perry Mason, Law & Order, to Matlock and even the new show, Bluff City Law.  The scales of justice deciding what to do about the law that was broken sure has a way of drawing you in.  

Have you ever been in a courtroom?  I have, for traffic purposes. It’s pretty intimidating, at least to me.  It’s pretty much set up just like you’ve seen in a movie or on TV.  The seats for those attending, the place reserved for a jury, the two different areas for a plaintiff and a defendant, and of course the elevated seat for the judge.  

If you ever have to go to court for breaking the law, your name is called to the front, you go forward, the judge reminds you of the charges, evidence is presented, and the judge decides if you are guilty. 
If you are, then you have to face the consequences, by doing the time or paying the charges.  I realize this is a very simplified explanation, but you get the gist. 

Maybe you’ve never broken any law, if not that’s wonderful! Did you know that one day, we will all have to face an eternal courtroom where we will stand before God and give an account of the sin we committed in life. 

Every single one of us has sinned.  In fact, have you ever sat down and tried listing everything you have done that didn’t live up to the standard of perfection? I have, and it was lengthy, overwhelming, disappointing, and well, just downright embarrassing.  

I can’t imagine standing before God one day having to endure hearing all the wrong I did, and then have him tell me that the sentence for all the charges of that sin would be my death!  

Except He won’t!  Jesus metaphorically comes into the court room with evidence that I am NOT GUILTY!!!

It’s probably the reason I love Jesus the way I do. The charges on my life were stacked so high, and the penalty so great that there would NEVER have been a way for me to pay it.  The assurance that every. single. sin. I have committed, or will commit has been nailed to the cross with Christ, and I just had to accept Jesus as my savior for it to be forgiven just blows my mind.  

Death was the payment for all my sin to be forgiven, and Jesus said “I’ll pay it.” 

The same forgiveness is available for you. If you have never taken an actual inventory of the sin you have had or have now, you should do it.  It will give you a greater appreciation of what we have as followers of Christ… the Love of a Father, the Love of a Savior. 

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8

~Brandi M. Bell 


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