The Race that Lies Before Us

Single Gals Saturday

Where are all my runners at? You may not think this from looking at me now, but I used to love to run.  Several years ago, I decided I wanted to run in a local 5k. I trained myself, using a "Couch-to-Half Marathon" training schedule I found online. It was designed to slowly build endurance over several weeks, by increasing the amount of time you ran and decreasing the time you walk. I started this program and dedicated myself to this grueling program. I remember some nights, after I got back home from my run, I could actually FEEL my sweat shooting out of my pores. 

My running time was an escape for me. I had my "Running Playlist" blaring in my ears, and I loved it when my feet hit the pavement to the beat of the music. After a few weeks, I had worked my way up to being able to run a full mile without stopping. That was a proud moment for me. Anyone who knows me, knows very well that I have never been an athletic person. Not for lack of trying. I've just never been very coordinated or competitive. With running, however, I was in a competition with myself. It was just me and the concrete beneath me and the only person who could get in my way was me. I felt good about the upcoming race.

On the day of the 5K, my alarm did not go off, so I overslept. I was late getting to the location of the race, where I had planned to meet up with my sister and our friend. I parked my car, and ran from my car to the start line and straight into the race. I was literally the last person to start. All of the other runners were so far ahead of me, that I really had no idea if anyone was even still running. I was going to have to run it alone, instead of beside my sister like I had hoped.

I became exhausted quickly, because I didn't pace myself. I wanted to catch up to everyone else. I needed to know where all the other runners were and where I stood in the race. At several points, I had no choice but to stop running and just speed walk to allow myself to catch a breath. I was mad at myself. I was discouraged. I wanted to quit and go home. "What is the point?" I thought. "Everyone else is already probably on their way home. I look like a loser. I will never finish this stupid race." The finish line was nowhere in sight for what seemed like an eternity, but I focused on the path ahead of me, envisioning the end goal in my mind. 

My body felt like it was going to fall apart. My knees ached, and the soles of my feet were on fire. 
I kept going, and eventually, the finish line came into sight. As I approached it, I could see my sister and our friend standing on the sidelines, cheering me on along with all of the other runners who had finished before me. When I finally crossed that finish line, a huge relief and sense of accomplishment washed over me. Not because I won a trophy or ribbon, or because I had done such an amazing job; but because I had finished what I had set out to do. I didn't give up, no matter how badly I wanted to. I kept running the race, even when I didn't see the point. I didn't THINK I could do it, but I did it anyway. And as I finished the race, I could see all of the people who had done so before me and proven that it could be done.

Do you see where I'm going with this? Times may get tough, but keep running the race! Don't give up! How do we know it can be done? We know because of all the others who have gone before us and shown us the way. We keep enduring. We keep pressing on. We run the race like we are in 1st place, keeping our eyes on the Finish Line. The End Goal. We keep our eyes on Jesus. 

"Therefore, since we also have such a large cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us lay aside every hinderance and the sin that so easily ensnares us. Let us run with endurance the race that lies before us, keeping our eyes on Jesus, the source and perfecter of our faith. For the joy that lay before him, he endured the cross, despising the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."
Hebrews 12:1-2

Keep Running,


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