Totally in Tuesdays

Joy in the Journey

It's no accident or coincidence what God set into motion over a year ago. When He placed the idea of Joy in the Journey deep into the hearts of our Righteously Redeemed team, we had no idea how important it would be. We knew this was to be our theme for the 2020 Righteously Southern ladies conference, yet we didnt know what 2020 would hold The idea of a book entitled Joy in the Journey was born, again we had no idea how relevant or needed this book would be, we just followed Gods leading. This book is compiled of testimonies from the Righteously Redeemed team. Amazing how God was preparing the theme, the book, and our own personal walks to be challenged by the present predicament of this global pandemic.  

Do you think God randomly chose this theme and laid it on our hearts or do you believe that in His wise, all- knowing manner He prepared this exact theme for SUCH A TIME AS THIS! 

God is good and His mercies endure forever. He knew our JOY would be tested, tried, and challenged during this unexpected unique time in our history. If ever there was a time to choose Joy in a Journey, its today. 

Today, no matter where you are in this situation, will you decide to walk in JOY? Don't allow the fear of the unknown to rob your Joy. 

God is walking right beside you in this journey.  Will you trust He is there and nothing about your relationship with Him has changed. 

Choose to stay focused on Him and not the situation. 
Choose to find Joy in the Journey. 
Choose Joy one day at a time. 

Blessings and Joy
Dorothy Hill Gates 

Dorothy Hill Gates is an author, speaker, and visionary of Righteously Redeemed. Her desire is to encourage women to go DEEPER with God and say YES to Him. You can follow her on facebook and Instagram for #dailydevoswithdot.


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