Totally in Tuesdays-

Joy in the Journey 

It is our desire here at Righteously Redeemed to discover our Joy in the Journey of Covid 19. We want you to not only Choose Joy but also Share Joy.

We want each of us to look back at this QUARANTINE with the fondest memories, not the biggest regrets.

So we are creating a new challenge called #joyinthejourney2020 we want you to choose joy every day and find a way to spread joy!

Want to be a part of the Joy in the Journey challenge? Will you  help us spread joy today?

Start by sharing this post or taking a screenshot of the picture below and share it on any of your social media outlets


Use the hashtag #joyinthejourney2020..
then watch the video by Dorothy Gates on our Facebook  page for more details!

Come back every Tuesday for a new way to experience Joy!





Dorothy Hill Gates is an author, speaker, and visionary of Righteously Redeemed. Her desire is to encourage women to go DEEPER with God and say YES to Him. You can follow her on facebook and Instagram for #dailydevoswithdot.


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