Hold My Hand
I find that my trust in the Lord through HIS word is what helps me. Its consistent, predictable, and TRUE! That's the amazing thing about Truth... it stays the same.
At first, I didn't really know what to write for today's blog. Most weeks God has given me the opportunity to watch things happening around me which in turn allow me to "SEE" God in the midst of it.
While there wasn't any one specific thing that I was seeing this week, there WAS one common theme that seemed to be echoing all around me. . . Uncertainty, with maybe a little combination of fear.
Although we are certain that tomorrow the sun will rise.
We aren't certain about what challenges this life will bring when it does. Likewise, even though we have been reminded many times by others that there are 365 occurrences in The Word to "not fear," if we are honest, we can admit sometimes that's easy to read and not so easy to walk.
I may not know what your current world looks like. . . what your circumstances, your trials, or through what valley the Lord may be allowing you to walk. And while, each of our circumstances may not look the same, we are all being pressed, molded, pruned, or changed in some way. It's scary and we need to be able to grab ahold of something.

So while our surroundings and circumstances may change, the Truth found in God's word doesn't.
Echoing throughout The Bible is one of my favorite truths; God will always be with us. Isaiah 41:13 "For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you Do NOT fear; I will help you!'
So find a truth in The Bible and anchor yourself to it.
And while he takes hold of your hand. . . Do not fear and HOLD TIGHT.
Together we learn to Follow Christ more,
Brandi Bell
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