How Do You Eat an Elephant?

SISTERS IN CHRIST SATURDAY “How do you eat an elephant, Kim?”

My father-in-law has always asked me this. I still call him my father-in-law even though his son is now my ex-husband. I still consider him a father figure, and we still have a great relationship to this day. So, these particular words of wisdom still echo in my mind any time I have a seemingly unattainable goal that lay ahead of me. “How do you eat an elephant, Kim?”

The answer? One bite at a time.

Of course, we don’t really eat elephants. But if we did, it would seem like that would be the meal that never ends, right? I mean, elephants are these ginormous, incredible creatures. Their size is overwhelming to us humans. The thought of even attempting to eat one is ludicrous. Aside from the obvious fact that we would never even want to, for the sake of this metaphor (or should I say “meta-phant”) let’s just say this: IT CAN’T BE DONE!

If I had a dollar for every time I have said that or some version of it in my lifetime…

All tasks seem daunting when you only look at the big picture and the end goal. If you take it step-by-step, though, it can be done. Each thing I consider to be a huge accomplishment has taken time. A phrase I have come to say all the time is, “baby steps.” 

I overcame addiction, one grueling step at a time. It’s a slow and steady process that doesn’t happen overnight. Rebuilding my relationships and trust with my kids has not been an immediate result. It has taken time and effort, day after day after day. I get frustrated sometimes with the long process of other goals I am working towards, but I keep in mind that it will happen in God’s timing, not my own. When you put in the time and effort, reaching that goal is so much sweeter.

What are you working towards? Finishing college? Starting a business? Starting a family? Paying off debt? Saving money? Quitting smoking? Battling an addiction? Facing cancer treatments? Maybe you’re like me, and you’re just working on starting over in all areas.  Don’t get frustrated with the time it takes to get it done and decide to quit early. Keep eating your elephant, one bite at a time. God sees you, and He will reward your faithfulness, in His time. Before you know it, that great big elephant will be a happy plate.

“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” 
Matthew 19:26

Happy Saturday! 

Love you all,


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