Our Father

Have you ever noticed that the first two words that Jesus prays when he is asked to teach the disciples how to pray is "Our Father?"

Notice that Jesus didn't say "MY Father," He said "OUR Father."  Meaning Jesus' Father is also the father of me and you.  Jesus saying OUR means he included us with himself, as brothers and sisters. 

Wow! Do you know what that meant for the disciples?  No longer was there going to be a need to go through another person to pray, because of Jesus they would now be able to pray directly to God. 
That same privilege given to the disciples has been given to each one of us. 

We can pray directly to OUR Father!  

The more I read the words that Jesus spoke throughout the Bible, I realize that there aren't any that he just sort of casually "said."  Every word he spoke had a purpose, had intentionality. 

The words of the Lord's Prayer are no exception. They are only one of the many ways The Word shows us that we matter!  Hold your head high.  You are a child of God!


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