What Makes a Mother?


What Makes a Mother?

While searching for inspiration for what to write today, I blindly opened my Bible to see the name Solomon. I was immediately reminded of the story of when King Solomon had to judge between two women who both claimed to be the mother of one baby. Perfect for Mother’s Day, I thought!

I located 1 Kings 3:16-28 and read through it and thought, “Wow this may be a little too gruesome to talk about here. But I feel in my spirit that this is what I am supposed to write about. So, sparing all the gory details, I shall summarize:

Two women brought a baby before King Solomon, both insistent that they were the baby’s mother. It was up to Solomon to judge which woman would be given the baby. 

Sidenote: King Solomon is the wisest man who ever lived. That’s facts. Periodt. If you have never truly studied the book of Proverbs, you are missing out on some real nuggets of applicable wisdom. 31 short chapters. 31 days in most months. Chapter a day. Worth it.

So, back to the story. Given this hefty and difficult decision to make, what would be your response? Could you even fathom how to make such a call? It’d be a doozy for me. Most days, I have trouble just deciding what shoes to wear. But not King Solomon.

Now read this:  “They argued back and forth in front of Solomon, until finally he said, ‘Both of you say this baby is yours. Someone bring me a sword.’ A sword was brought, and Solomon ordered, ‘Cut the baby in half! That way each of you will have part of the baby.’
‘Please don’t kill my son,’ the baby’s mother screamed. ‘Your majesty, I love him very much, but give him to her. Just don’t kill him.’ The other woman shouted, ‘Go ahead and cut him in half. Then neither of us will have the baby.’ Solomon said, ‘Don’t kill the baby.’ Then he pointed to the first woman, ‘She is his real mother. Give the baby to her.’”
What is my take-away from this? That the wisest man who ever lived knew that a mother is not characterized or qualified by the blood that runs through her veins. It is written in stone on her heart. It’s the amount of unconditional adoration she feels for her child. It is the way her heart physically can be felt expanding in her chest each time she looks at them. It is the ferocity that roars inside of her with the instinct to protect them at any cost. No, one doesn’t have to carry and birth a child to possess these things, to experience that truest, most precious form of love. I know stepmoms who are better mothers that the biological mother is. I have friends who have adopted children, which is one of the most beautiful things an adult can do. 

What it boils down to is this: Being a mother, of any variation, is selflessness. It is loving a child so intensely and completely that you always put their needs before your own, doing anything in your power to keep them safe and happy. I am so thankful for the blessing of being a mother. Just writing this has me basking in my blessings, my heart overflowing. I have failed in many ways, and that I still get to be a part of their lives every day is more than I deserve.

I am thankful for my own Mama, who still and always will call me her Baby; for my first stepmom, who is in Heaven now; for my now Stepmom, Carolyn, who takes such amazing care of my Daddy, I couldn’t ask for more. And for my mother-in-law, Linda, who, although I’ve been divorced from her son for four years, still treats me like a daughter and calls me several times a week. 

I pray that this Mother’s Day brings all of you joy, love, and precious memories. I know that this is a solemn day for some of you. I can’t even begin to know what you are feeling, but I carry a heaviness in my heart for you always. You, my sweet friends, are the most incredible mothers of all. I pray you feel God’s presence right now more than ever before, and that He holds you in His arms, bringing you unending peace. 

For all you do, for all you’ve been through, for all you’ve overcome and for the love you give every single day, I salute you. 

Bless you all on this Mother’s Day.

Love and hugs,


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