Follower of Christ Friday 
By: Guest Blogger, Pastor Doug Bell

What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Most of us have sung this song yet struggle to earn forgiveness. Most of us have sung this song, yet struggle with grief, guilt and condemnation. We struggle so much living forgiven, that we make others earn our forgiveness. You see, whenever we think we must earn God’s forgiveness, we will force others to earn ours. This is a sure sign we haven’t received forgiveness, but are in a sense making payments on a debt that was cancelled a long time ago.

As difficult as it can be to understand, Christ blood washed our 21st century sins away a couple thousand years before they were committed. Some of us struggle to realize the sin stronghold we have today, is therefore, not our sin!

1 Peter 2:24 says it this way, “He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross...”. 
Christ took our sin upon Him, He removed the red from my ledger. I am paid in full. Just as if, I have never, do never, or will ever, sin.

There is a theological word for this, it’s propitiation. Propitiation, simply put means all of God’s wrath was poured out on, and satisfied by Jesus’ crucifixion on the cross.

What does this mean for you today? You are a sinner saved by grace. In other words, not guilty. The shortcomings you spend so much time grieving are never, ever, ever, considered by God. Seen yes, he is omniscient, considered, never.

This is all my hope and peace: nothing but the blood of Jesus. 
This is all my righteousness: nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Fall in love with Jesus a little bit more today knowing,
He has taken the sin of the world upon Him 
and you can receive forgiveness and live forgiven.

~Pastor Doug 


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