Success in the Journey

The other day I walked into a restaurant and this picture caught my eye. The title quickly grabbed my attention and the quote drew me in. I snapped a picture so I could share it with you. 

I love this definition of success.  I feel like we get the wrong idea of success way too often. We think and view success as
1. A productive day
2. A prosperous job
3. A picture- perfect family
4. Popularity

But what is success really and how does God view success? I think Matthew 5:16 gives us a  beautiful definition of a successful Christian...

 "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."

A successful Christian is one who let's her light shine and allows God to have the glory. This should be our entire let our lights shine for Him. 

Let our light shine in the good times.
Let our lights shine in the bad times.
Let our lights shine during our struggles. 
Let our lights  in our marriages. 
Let our lights shine at our jobs. 
Let our lights shine on Social Media.  
Let our Lights shine in the community. 
Let our lights shine to our families. 
Let our lights shine in our churches.
Let our lights shine in our ministries.
Let Our Lights Shine! 


So others will see Him! Allow your good works, good deeds, good words, good actions, good life point people to Jesus. This is the essence of JOY and the definition of success. Today, do you need a little Joy in the journey? Let your LIGHT shine. Let Him be seen

 in you and through you and the result will be Success in your Journey 


Blessings my Sweet Friends!
Dorothy Hill Gates 


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