Break It and Shake It!

August 28, 2020

Getting a glow stick when I was younger was a rare treat.  There wasn't a dollar tree around the corner.    Amazon and the internet didn't yet exist either.  The only place that I can remember they were readily available was at concert type events or at the local skating rink.  

I loved them!  To open the package and know you are about to see it miraculously glow a neon green, pink or blue, was such fun anticipation.  

I think everyone knows how to use them, but just in case. You open up the package, break it in 1-2 places and then you shake it up!  It's at this moment, and ONLY then will it light up. Brightly, the light shines and can be seen from across the room.  

Y'all, We are glow sticks!  I know that sounds crazy, but it's true.  

We, like a glow stick, have great potential to shine our light to the world by reflecting the light of Jesus. 

What we don't always or even want to realize is that in order to do that shining, just like the glow stick,  we have to go through a pruning process of being broken and our lives shaken before that light is able to shine.  In my experience,  it's those who have went through the most difficult trials that truly shine the brightest.                

SEE--Everyone wants to shine, but no one wants to be broken and have their lives shaken.  

We will go through "stuff."  That's a fancy word for tribulations, but Jesus tells us to be cheerful about it. Jesus said we "WILL have tribulations, yet we need to "be of good cheer because I have overcome the world! JOHN 16:33

Matthew 5:14 says "you are the light of the world.  A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people list a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.  

So when "life" happens,  

     Brace yourself through the breaking, 

                                           Hold on during the shaking, 

                                                                                  on the other side of it all the light is about to SHINE!

Love y'all! 

Brandi Bell 


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