Helloooo, McFly???

Hello, McFly? 

Where are you? Have you ever had anyone ask you that that was in the same room with you, and maybe even sitting right next to you.  You seem “distracted"

I’ve been there, and I’m sure at some point you have too. 

Question? Why is it a measure of success to be able to do three or four things at once? I’ll even go further to ask, Why, is it that it’s almost criminal to only be thinking about what you’re doing right then and NOT on what is coming next ?  

Who told us that, that’s what is “normal?” 

Well I can’t get it all done if I don’t Brandi? My boss is making me do four or  five things at once.  It’s what is expected of me. It’s what I have to do. 

I get the pressures and busyness of life  and the need to add more and more to our already full plate. Is it beneficial though? 

Here’s a confession that led me to God’s word for the year: Intentionality. To be deliberate. 

I seriously loathe having to redo something, how about you? I also seriously regret times where I wasn't fully engaged in what was happening right where I was. You know Being IN THE moment.  

I have become and am continually trying to become more Intentional, with My Family, My Time, My Obligations etc.  

What have I found?  

Less need for correction of tasks that I have done. In fact I have found more time because complete focus on a singular task is allowing me to get it done more timely and with excellence so there’s not a need to revisit it.  

Most importantly, I am storing up more beautiful moments with my family and friends for my future reflections. 

Reminder—We are not promised time. We just aren’t. 

You can’t buy it, you can’t make it. 

You definitely can’t jump in a DeLorean time machine like Marty McFly and alter the past. Be where you are intentionally!  

Time is a gift!  Be PRESENT! 

As we continue to Follow Christ, 




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