Follower of Christ Friday 
by: Brandi M. Bell 

Have you ever went hiking?  When you approached the bottom of a big hill or mountain did you stop
 to prepare for it before beginning?  You know what's coming because you just came down the back side of the previous mountain! 

Man, that climb!!... you have to start out by first making up your mind to do it!  You start on the trek up with one set of muscles engaged, you get hot, sweaty even.  However, you keep going, not looking back, just continuing to climb.  Higher and higher until eventually you get there.  

AH Victory!  You've done it!  You are exhausted, your muscles burn in agony, but you are at the top!  
You take a moment to celebrate the view for a few minutes, maybe even seconds, before going down to continue on to the next ascension.  

What I want to highlight here without trying to sound too much like a Miley Cyrus song, is we don't appreciate the actual climb.  Often times we work so hard and are determined to get to that mountain top.  Yet, when we get there, we don't really take the time to see what all we overcame and endured to get there.  We don't appreciate how we persevered and didn't quit on that HARD climb.

Maybe, You have heard it said this way. "There's Joy in the Journey." or  "It's the dash between the birth and death date that matters." Don't miss everything around you because you are only seeing the pinnacle.  Sure, focusing on the goal will help keep you motivated, and yet the going up and the going down the mountain is where we learn, where we change, where we become who we are to become.  
In conclusion, when you get to the top of that mountain. 
Stop. Breath, and be proud of yourself as you look back at what you did that didn't seem possible.  

There will always be another mountain to climb.   

So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Galatians 6:9 NLT

Together we follow Christ, 



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