Under the MAGNIFYING Glass

Whew!  We have tons of things going on right now, don't we?  So many things we need to think about, so many things that are concerning or needing our attention!  

Magnify : make (something) appear larger 

The other day, my husband was talking about how we need to magnify our God.  That HE is already big, but we need to make him larger for our own eyes, for our own problems!  

I thought to myself—if that’s what it means, then you can magnify anything.   

Candidly, I realize I do this with lots of areas in my life. Sometimes the things that I magnify or "make larger" are my problems, my hurts, my insecurities etc. The fact that I sit and think about them is exactly like putting a magnifying glass on them. Because in all truth, I am making a choice to make them appear larger. 

Notice I didn't say make them larger in reality.  No!  I said appear larger.  That's what a magnifying glass does. 

It makes things appear larger for the one that's looking at them.  

So lets wrap this up... I have a choice. You have a choice. We all have a choice. 

1) I can choose to hold the magnifying glass over the circumstances in my life,  make them larger than they are, causing myself more worry, fear, or even shame. 


2) I can turn to God and, at least IN my eyes, make HIM bigger (He can't be any bigger than he already is).  Trusting that he knows what's best and will use all that I am dealing with for a bigger purpose.

Please know that I am not discrediting what you may be going through. I am just saying we can make things "appear" bigger than they are when we make a choice to focus . . . to think. . . to magnify them. 

There's a lot of truth in that quote that says "Don't tell God how big your problems are, tell your problems how BIG your God is" 

Turn your gaze, your focus, towards God and trust that HE has good things for you!  

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

As we continue to learn to follow Christ,  



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