Follower of Christ Friday 

by Brandi Bell 

I have back surgery in 5 days as I write this.   I have had surgery before, 3 c-sections for my babies, but never anything like this.  

Over the past 2 months you know what I have determined?  I don't have any control over this situation.      I can't medicate myself.  I can't exercise to be better.  I have been to different types of health care providers, and unfortunately they can only offer temporary fixes. 

No, nothing I can personally do will make my back better. I have to have this surgery. 

Before the news that I would need this, I had in my mind if I could do blank, or if they could do that, then I could handle it.  Really what I was saying is that I could CONTROL it!                

When the surgeon said "You have done everything else, surgery is the only option now."  

A sense of peace came over me.  I would normally have been upset at the thought of someone needing to cut me open, yet God had given me a sense of peace.  I knew because I had surrendered this whole thing to Him that this was the way he was choosing to heal me.  I was just gonna have to trust Him.  

Realistically, I have zero control of what's going on.  I can't "plan it."  I can't muscle it.  I can't maneuver the details.  I have been forced to put ALL of this in the hands of God.  Can I tell you something,  it's pretty freeing.  All I can do is sit in the passenger's seat and go along for the ride. Since I'm not in the driver's seat, I might as well just relax. 

I can already look back from the beginning of all this until now and see God's hand in all the steps leading up to Wednesday's surgery, but that's a whole different post for another time. 

Likewise, we can live ALL of our lives like this though, not just BIG stuff.  God wants us to come to him BEFORE we make decisions, BEFORE we freak out over things that happen.  

God is IN the details.  It's one of the things that humbles me the most about God.  That we can trust him with the little things that make up the BIG things.  

We don't have to try to control everything.  In all honesty, we don't have control over much. 

We can just breathe in and pray

 "God I trust you with my life and all the details."  I trust that since your word says "I know the plans for you, to give you a future and a hope" that, that means I can trust that whatever comes my way YOU already know what I need, how its going to go, and that you have GOOD things for me if I just surrender to your will.  

Will you join me in metaphorically "waving the white flag" as we daily surrender our lives to God?  


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