Totally in Tuesdays- The FRUITFUL Woman

*Totally in Tuesdays*
By Dorothy Gates

The closer we are to God, the more we resemble Him.
The more time we spend with Him, the more we reflect Him.

Does your life, character,  personality, and heart resemble or reflect Christ?
Do people see Him, hear Him, or feel Him when they are around you?

Do your words sound like His words?
Do your actions look like His actions?
Do you desires reflect His desires?

Does your life bare witness that you are a Righteous Woman?
Matthew 7 declares that by your fruits you shall be known!

People shouldn't have to guess if you are a Kingdom woman! Your life, heart, character and personality should be a testament to that.
I'm going to begin a series called "The FRUITFUL Woman." During this time we will look at the Fruits of the Spirit and see how are lives line up with God.
I pray it will challenge us to look in the Mirror of the Word and see our heart's true reflection.  Does our heart reflect Christ or ourselves?
A Righteously Redeemed woman has a FRUITFUL heart- do you?


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