The Lemon Tree

*Follower of Christ Friday*
"The Lemon Tree"

I love lemon!  About 11 years ago, we bought a lemon tree.  It was a small little plant that was early in its growth. When we bought it, it was only about 2 and a half feet tall, and I was so excited about its potential.  I anticipated all of the lemons that I would be able to get off of its branches. 

I watered and weeded it all season long, yet there were no lemons.  The following season, I pruned it, cut off the dead limbs and leaves, watered and weeded.  Again, NO lemons!!  

I began to think, this tree would never be a producer of lemons like it was intended.  

I got super spiritual and thought “ A tree is known by its fruit.” Well Mr. Lemon Tree… are you even a fruit tree if you can’t give me lemons? 

Then one day in season 3, my husband, Doug came in and said you need to go look at your lemon tree.  I was so excited as I moved the leaves on a couple of branches and saw not one but TWO lemons growing. 

I was thrilled, to say the least.  It had a ways to go, but it was starting to be who it was supposed to be.  A Lemon Tree!  It had so much potential!! With proper care by the Gardner, and as the tree would tolerate, it would be flourish and be an amazing tree!  

You know friends…We are the same way!  We have tons of potential!  In order to really become who God intended, we have to be pruned, weeded, watered, and given TIME!  

There will be season of time when we are barren and not producing any fruit, but if we allow the tending of THE Gardner, it will lend us the ability to grow and flourish that we are so full of fruit, NO ONE will have to really look for it.  

It will be OBVIOUS what kind of tree we are. 

I’m so glad God doesn’t just see our potential, He has the ability to see what we WILL become!
He doesn’t ever get to the point when he thinks we are a hopeless cause.  He knows the more we allow him to tend to us, and prune out the weeds, the more it allows for the good parts to grow and bear fruit.  

However, If we aren’t careful, we can rush through the lesson, or even refuse the hand of God to change us, and we won’t ever get to be who God intended.  

Yet, if we allow God to snip off, painfully sometimes, the dead unfruitful parts of us, and then water the good stuff, our Potential will be realized.   

Love y'all 
Brandi Bell 


  1. I love how you wrote this Brandi .... I am in love with trees and I can really see God in them..... it takes time to develop fruit...... the more we seek God the more fruitful and rooted we become!


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