Grateful Like Jarvis 

Would you consider yourself grateful ?  More than others ? Less than others ? 
How about “grateful like Jarvis?”  “What’s that?” you might ask. 
I would encourage you, as you are reading this, to take a few moments to grade how grateful you are of a person?Ask yourself how often do I give acknowledgement of the things or people for which I am thankful? I know I don’t do it as much as I should. 

This blog post topic is brought on by watching one of my sons. 
Jarvis, my youngest is 4.  He has the most thankful spirit.  It doesn’t matter if I bring him a simple bag of MnM’s from the store, or if he gets the birthday gift for which he asked, he appreciates it.  How do I know?  

He tells us. 
Then he tells us again 
And yet again

In fact if its a non consumable item, almost everytime he touches it, he reminds us how much he loves it, and thanks us for getting it for him. Sometimes, he thanks us so much it will bring me to tears of joy.   

Can I be honest to say he also makes me ashamed of myself for my ungrateful tendencies. 
I ask myself “Am I this grateful to God?” “Am I this grateful for what others do for or with me?” 

The answer is not “Grateful like Jarvis.” 

Y’all, I think it’s safe to say we take things for granted too often, and could definitely be a little more grateful about what we have.
I encourage you to stop and notice things and others.  When you appreciate someone, tell them! When God answers a prayer, thank Him. We can always thank people AND God more than once.

And contrary to popular belief, we can actually JUST thank God, WITHOUT asking for anything. I know what an idea !  So be encouraged to continually show appreciation and acknowledge it!  

You are probably grateful, but be "Grateful Like Jarvis!  

“Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father
James 1:17 NLT
“And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Ephesians 5:20 NLT

Together We Continually Learn to Follow Christ, 

Brandi Bell 


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