Me and My Big Fat Mouth

FOLLOWER OF CHRIST FRIDAY! 12/4/ 2020 By: Brandi M. Bell Have you ever said something before you thought about it, then instantly regretted it? Yeah… I have and it's and "open mouth insert foot" moment. We have had one crazy year with up and down emotions where our words have been fully charged, been disgruntled, perplexed, angry, hopeful, full of love, etc… Doug has been talking about The Word within the series he’s doing leading up to Christmas on a morning web show he has in the morning. I love Word Studies… I love the revelation I got when I was shown “The Word” and how it is all woven together and how much POWER is in THE word. Out of the mouth of our Father all things were created, and when he says something about you in HIS word. There is POWER in ALL spoken word. Genesis 1:1-8 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep...